Create & Share Your MS Moment

Use the #MyMSMoment Creator to Share Your Moment

Stories of life with multiple sclerosis are told through the everyday moments people with MS experience.

Share a moment from your MS journey or what a cure will mean to you and help raise awareness of MS.

Step 1:

Select a background image.

Step 2:

(Optional): Choose a photo to upload and place in the background. File must be 4MB or smaller. To remove everything but the main subject(s) pictured, choose a selfie-style photo and click “create cutout” to have the tool convert the photo. Then select “next.” To add the full image to the background, choose any photo and select “next.”

Your processed image

We'll use it in the next step – or try a different image.

Step 3:

(Optional): To customize your moment with a message, first click on the text tool in the black banner. Next, enter your text in the text field in the orange section, then click on “insert.” Lastly, adjust fonts, colors, size, etc as desired and then click “save.”

Step 4:

Save, download and share your moment with friends and family. Download location will be based on your device's settings (files, download folder, iCloud, etc.).

See how #MyMSMoment is building awareness across the internet

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The next moment for MS could be its last.

We've rallied the global MS movement to find a cure for every person affected by MS — as quickly as possible. Learn more about the biggest, boldest, most collaborative effort to cure MS.

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